Geography Insights: NZ - AUC

Quick Stats (Rolling 48 Months)

62Home Players
159All Players
229Winner WPPRs
1,018Total WPPRs
128Geo Rank

Player Personas

This Geo   PersonaInt'l Avg
Those who travel and are ranked in the top 2,500.
Those who travel and are outside the top 2,500.
3%Local Supporters
Those who go to multiple events but don't leave their home geography.
Those who went to one event and haven't (yet) returned.

Tournament Data

This Geo   Event TypeInt'l Avg
Events where 60%+ of the field are WPPRtunists.
Events where 30%+ of the field are Travelers.
0%Local Supporters
Events where 50% of the field are Local Supporters.
Events where 20% of the field are One-Timers.
11%Mixed Personas
All remaining events which indicates a mix of player personas.

Traveler Geographies

In the past 48 months, players who call NZ - AUC home like to travel to:
NZ - NOR18

Tournament Sizes

In the past 48 months, tournament sizes in NZ - AUC:
Player Count# Events% EventsInt'l Avg

Top Tournaments & Events

In the past 48 months, the top 50 events in NZ - AUC:
45476SHPC Fair Strikes 2022-01 Traveler 25.68 53
45474Southern Hemisphere Pinball Cham 2022-01 Traveler 25.50 60
45475SHPC Flip Frenzy! 2022-01 Traveler 22.36 48
64694Mike D is Awesome! 2023-08 Traveler 16.94 40
59919Lost in the Zone at Paul C's! 2023-04 Traveler 15.64 33
51894Paul C’s Pinball Rampage! 2022-09 Traveler 14.36 39
62071Super Secret Pinball Club Monthl 2023-07 Traveler 14.03 25
54575Pinball at Willies! 2022-11 Traveler 13.64 38
62072Super Secret Pinball Club Monthl 2023-08 Traveler 11.32 17
62070Super Secret Pinball Club Monthl 2023-06 Traveler 11.22 20
64824A Devine Pinball Experience! 2023-11 Traveler 10.66 23
62073Super Secret Pinball Club Monthl 2023-09 Traveler 10.16 20
62074Super Secret Pinball Club Monthl 2023-10 Mixed Persona 9.62 18
62076Super Secret Pinball Club Monthl 2023-05 Traveler 8.61 17
62075Super Secret Pinball Club Monthl 2023-11 Mixed Persona 8.47 22
47844Leon's Pinball Party! 2022-02 Traveler 7.07 17
45479SHPC Belles and Chimes 2022-01 Traveler 3.92 11

Top Players

In the past 48 months, the top 50 players in NZ - AUC:
IDPlayer NameRankPersonaPointsEvents
13461David Peck 210 WPPRtunist 118.47 15
15387Danielle Peck 335 WPPRtunist 103.06 14
71138Mitchell Stewart NZ 181 WPPRtunist 56.86 7
73496Laurence Smith 1359 WPPRtunist 54.53 14
70043Craig Easson 2640 Traveler 52.43 12
86637Matt Kemp 1705 WPPRtunist 46.27 13
13454BJ Wilson 1020 WPPRtunist 44.52 10
54623Aidan Kersley 634 WPPRtunist 40.51 8
26179George Davidson 2407 WPPRtunist 38.20 13
13465Simon Haxton 508 WPPRtunist 35.14 3
50924David Gifford-Moore 2280 WPPRtunist 35.07 13
13470Jeremy Takacs 1831 WPPRtunist 27.16 9
86638Kobe Smith 2085 WPPRtunist 20.57 13
13447Lewis Tennant 5190 Traveler 18.98 6
57935Daryl Purdie 3031 Traveler 17.41 12
14533Mike Davidson 3272 Traveler 15.50 5
17398Fiona Peck 3548 Traveler 15.25 15
60419John Devine 4294 Traveler 13.89 11
87061Dylan Petrie 2970 Traveler 11.90 11
68217Tyler Dipper 445 WPPRtunist 11.81 4
33738Karri Butler 3178 Traveler 11.65 5
21013Kim Dozier 1070 WPPRtunist 10.95 3
42105Carter Holloway 1959 WPPRtunist 8.67 7
13452Nick Polson 4059 Traveler 7.31 4
82449Ed Timings 3887 Traveler 7.10 3
94134Troy Halliday 5649 Traveler 5.81 6
37277Meghan Holender 7181 Traveler 5.79 2
67976Brent Giblin 6288 Traveler 5.63 3
96462Jorge Rosa 11951 Local Supporter 5.62 2
37278David Holender 5869 Traveler 5.53 3
68203Markus Dipper 2800 Traveler 5.42 3
27326Hamish Guthrey 5953 Traveler 5.28 3
86633Nikolas Busljeta 4176 Traveler 5.17 8
86636Tom Busljeta 3277 Traveler 4.94 6
18929Steve Vassiliadis 5788 Traveler 4.76 3
54149Mark Jacobson 6056 Traveler 4.74 3
74275Niko Butler 7004 Traveler 4.39 4
62551Vince Lumbers 9537 Traveler 4.35 1
72301Jayne Whittle 7514 Traveler 4.33 4
76471Barry Wakeling 5258 Traveler 4.22 8
87377Emily Conway 13975 Traveler 4.17 3
81744Robert Meuldijk 2240 WPPRtunist 3.83 4
77708Andy Chapman 2838 Traveler 3.71 3
20195Brent Buchanan 10110 Traveler 3.61 2
70042Gavin Veltmeyer 12001 Traveler 3.46 2
82452Lee Cheneler 8028 Traveler 3.39 3
80904Sam Reeves 11359 Traveler 3.23 3
86635Frauke Meyer 9192 Traveler 3.22 9
89244Eric Renick 8261 Traveler 3.14 2
33641Esther Ahronheim 768 WPPRtunist 3.02 5


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Code Version 2.0.0
Data Extracted Through: 2024-03-29
Database Last Refreshed: 2024-02-25

Notes and Acknowledgements